Tuesday, 6 October 2015

30-Day Challenge #1 - Wake up at 6AM

I used to think that I am not a morning person and I am unable to wake up early. However, I decided to give it a go and challenge myself to wake up everyday at 6AM for 30 days. I have to say, it wasn't a consecutive 30 days, just weekdays. I slept in and woke up later during weekends. I will aim to train myself to wake up every single day at 6AM and then to 5AM as I progress.

I took up this challenge in August and am sad to say that I have failed. It wasn't easy, especially I am a night owl and sleep real late. I still wake up early but some days at 5AM and some days at 630AM. I will definitely make sure I wake up everyday at 6AM by Dec 2015!

The Journey

In the first 5 days, it was relatively easy to wake up early. I was already up before my alarm went off. I also make sure I do not press 'snooze' and immediately hop out of bed after the alarm goes off.

I make it a routine, wake up and then head to the bathroom for a shower. I have ample of time to enjoy breakfast and watch youtube videos in the morning before I head out for work. I realised that I tend to feel tired around 10PM to 11PM and I was sleeping earlier than I used to. Perhaps this was why it was easy to be up.

The next 5 days was a challenge. I became contemplated and insisted on sleeping later (like now). It was very difficult to get up. Even when I was up, I feel tired. I think this was because I was getting insufficient sleep.

Subsequently, I just got up at 630AM and continue sleeping way past midnight. This is very bad and right now I am slowly adjusting my body clock back to be in bed by 1130PM and up at 6AM. 

Despite not waking up everyday at 6AM, I am still proud of the effort that I am putting in. I will continue to work on getting up early and starting on other challenges. I will definitely make this challenge a success and write about it in the near future.